Notice: the open enrollment period for this program permanently closes at 11:59 pm Sat. July 6.

Cash in Now on a Hedge Fund “Equity Swap” Program

Want help turning your business ideas and future sales into $85,000 in tax free cash in just 24 hours and receiving a $1,000,000 business line of credit in the next 7 days?

My hedge fund industry contacts trade you CASH now and free commerce processing services for 2% of business profits once your business gets off the ground. (with no risk placed on you)

I will help facilitate this instant salary advance to you and I will assist in the vital function of setting up your business properly so it becomes a million dollar producer as fast as possible.

Just enroll in this program immediately, before the deadline, so you can start drawing out profits even before your business turns fully cash flow positive.

Press to Play the Video above to here the full audio description of exactly how this program works.

This is Just Like Factoring Your Receivables

This well known program is very similar to factoring receivable for upfront cash, which many businesses have been doing for years.

Did you know you can also do this with your start up business idea and get paid an advance salary one day one, to help you develop your new business, that you don’t personally need to ever pay back?

It is called an equity swap, and our hedge fund connection will do it for you, when you join this program, to help people solve any money issues they may have when a business is getting started.

So this is a fast way to receive $85,000 in interest free cash, when you need it most, at the start of your business development.

Click Here to Order

How does this equity swapping program work specifically to benefit you and put cash into your pocket personally as well as provide the best funding lines of credit you will ever see given to your business?

It is simple…the hedge fund investors we put you in contact with deposits $85,000 directly into your account in exchange for a written agreement that your business will remit to them 2% of any business profits going forward.

There is a specific piece of paper you need to have to get this money, which we will provide to you, called a profit reserve warrant.

This works exactly the same as factoring works with your receivables which many people have heard of before and are familiar with as a sensible way to speed up cash payments. But this is done one step BEFORE factoring and is a much better deal for you as the business owner.

And then once your business is fully up and running they provide you with up to $1,000,000 in working capital as a line of business credit, and can do all your merchant processing for your business free of charge. (which saves you a lot of money because of their scale)

If you want my help in developing your business to max the profits you make in the future and you want to trade a small portion of your future earnings for a big lump sum payment directly to you now, then I encourage you to enroll on this equity swap program.

Click Here to Order

Just $157 (plus tax and shipping)

When you join you get all this…

*Help structuring your business properly and 5 years worth of free hosting if you want it

*You are given all the special paperwork that brings this $85,000 advance payment to you

*We connect you directly with the large hedge fund provider, which also gives you access to up to $1,000,000 in working capital through a biz line of credit when your equity swap is complete

*And we also provide your business with an account that generates an associate stream of income directly tied to our best selling products online

So if you’re tired of waiting and want to take your business to the next level you should enroll in this special program before today’s midnight deadline.

It can turn your ideas and your business into a million dollar enterprise and pay you a cash distribution even before your business gets off the ground.

Look at the pros and cons of this kind of thing and you can see the huge advantage to you!


-You get needed cash now that you have no risk for repayment
-You don’t have to give up a large share of your equity or lose control of anything in your business
-And it is tax deferred so no big upfront tax consequence to taking this

The Cons are small because:

-This is similar to regular factoring - meaning you are giving up a small share of potential profits to get cash in hand now
-So if you think your future profits will be in excess of what you are getting paid now, you just want to do that calculation to make sure money in hand today is worth more to you than potential profits next year
But remember, you will be holding $85,000 immediately that you can start making extra income from, so they will lessen the concern about trading cash now for some profits later.

Click Here to Order

Thanks, Tom.

PS: join now before this program fills up tonight and enrollment is closed for good.

Note: this program comes with continuous benefits, extra training each month and ongoing support from our team of professional staff. The fee for these benefits is $14 monthly for as long as you wish to use them. You can simply cancel at any time in writing with your membership information at:

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